Saturday 3 November 2007

Getting nearer

Well, it didn't go well! The suitcase is still empty on the floor, surrounded by piles of clothes and general "stuff". However, I have now managed to clear the lounge and work through half of the paperwork pile, so some progress!

I cannot believe that this time next week I will have had a full 24hrs in Mozambique and be spending my 2nd night in Beira. I cannot begin to imagine what I will have seen and experienced, but I know my eyes will have been opened and my heart changed already...

I tried to explain it to Oscar today and he was very excited about the prospect of lots of friends playing with him and having tea cooked by lots of family and friends. He knows mummy is going away to play with lots of other boys and girls, but I don't think he really understands that mummy will not be here at home. He likes the promise of a present too!

On the subject of presents, mum and I had a lovely time in Rugby today getting a few bits and bobs. I warned her that it would probably be African Christmas gifts this year, and so she conveniently found a pair of slippers for me to buy rather than facing the prospect of a grass skirt or a drum!! Very wise mum!!

We had small group tonight too, which was great, and it is encouraging to know that we will be well prayed for whilst we are apart too. It is fab to have such lovely friends to be open and honest with, and who will listen to all out rantings and worries. Thanks guys - luv ya!!

So, 5 more sleeps (or restless nights...), plenty more lists to complete, and still the challenge of the suitcase....

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